Thursday, May 29, 2008

XBOX 360 and PS3 not for me

Since I missed blogging on Monday and Wednesday here is another one. Monday I confirmed the reason why I don't have a video game system. I was introduced to the game Rockband and I played it for like 5 hours without even realizing it. From the drums, to the bass, guitar and vocals this game was addicting. Especially when you are trying to complete difficult songs. There was one song I think it took us 8 tries to complete, it was ridiculous. I'm amazed that I could get competitive at a game where I was playing music. If this game was in my house I would probably be playing none stop and Jamie would be hating me. I played so much on Monday I even got a blister on my finger from the drum sticks. A game system in my house would cause me to lose sleep and probably hurt my marriage, therefore, Monday was a great reminder and definitely confirmed that I do not need a game system. Sorry XBOX360 and PS3 you are not for me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's why the church has them. You can just leave it there and have no worries.