Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Weekend Update

1. Friday night was a chill at home and watch tv night. I enjoyed my time with Jamie and Jace at home. Honestly if I had the choice of going out with Jamie and Jace or staying at home with them, 90% of the time I would prefer to stay home. I guess it's the intravert in me. Jamie also made some amazing pork chops and homemade mac and cheese! Her mac and cheese is one of my favorite dishes.

2. Saturday Jace spiked a fever, I hate it when he gets a fever. Our little guy who is normally full of energy just lays around with a glazed look. I hate it!

3. Jamie also competed in the OKC Star Finale, she didn't win but did a great job. I'm very proud of my wife and she has an amazing voice!

4. Jace's fever finally broke late Sunday morning, thank you Jesus. He please continue to pray for him. Thanks.

5. Sunday afternoon I revisited my day's in high school and played some laser tag with other college and twentysomethings from People's Church. It was a lot of fun and I took first place in our second game. yes I did it mainly by dominating some kids but none the less I won. Matter of fact our group dominated the kids, we all finished top ten except for Umo, haha.

6. My hamstrings are also sore from laser tag, to much crouching to get some good shots. Yes I'm out of shape and getting old, but it was still fun!

7. Sunday night I attended the Edmond Epic House Party and had a great discussion about dating. It was good times with our students and always fun to swing on the Thun's big swing!

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