Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Father's Day

Sunday was my first father's day and it was very enjoyable. After church, Jamie made some steaks, my favorite potatoes and green beans. It was amazing! Then I got to watch an amazing round of golf and an ok NBA finals game. It was good except for the Celtics losing but no fear they will end it in Boston. Jamie also made me a calendar with a pic of Jace on it and a bluetooth headset, whoohoo! She must have read my blog a few weeks ago. At church Pastor Herbert asked all the dads to stand up and it was kind of weird standing but at the same time I was very proud. I love being a father. It scares me at times and I definitely have moments of feeling unworthy, but it is also very rewarding and I feel extremely blessed. Almost everyday I thank God for Jace and pray that God gives me wisdom and guidance to be a godly father. My favorite moments with Jace are when he gives me one of his big smiles, when I can get him to crack up and when he falls asleep on me. Even now thinking of them makes me smile and again I thank God for such a wonderful blessing.

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