Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Praise Report - Update On My Grandma

Here is an update of my grandma, it's a little late but God is sooo good!

A week ago my grandma got the results concerning her cancer, here is the report:

My grandma's tumor has shrunk a lot and the doctor believes that the rest of it is scar tissue. He said the scan showed that the tumor was continuing to disintegrate. It has moved quite a bit away from her eye and out of the skull area. He is very pleased with the results. My grandma will just need to be rescanned every 3 months for a year to make sure that it has not started growing again. This is normal protocol for anybody who has had cancer. After a year, if it has not grown, than her scans will be spaced out further. If it were to grow again, she would need surgery but it would not be evasive or should would not lose her eye.

Thank you Jesus! And thanks for all your prayers. Please continue to pray that she would have a quick recovery from the discomfort of radiation. It’s all done but the side effects can last for a month or two after it’s finished. Thanks again for your prayers. God is faithful!

1 comment:

Our Family said...

That's awesome! God is so so good. Thanks for posting!