Thursday, March 26, 2009

Qualities I look for in a Youth Leader Pt. 1


One of the qualities I look for in a leader is commitment. In youth ministry I'm looking for someone who will be at the youth experience every week. Every Wednesday night we are putting on an experience to reach as many students as possible and we need all hands on deck to make it happen smoothly and with excellence. We also want leaders that our students see every week not once a month. Students may have a lot of inconsistency in their life so we work very hard to make sure Epic is consistent. We want adults that will be there for them at all times not someone who is in and out of their lives. This is important because it may take 6 months to a year before some students will start to trust a leader and if a leader is not committed that trust will never be built. When I meet with a potential leader, one of the first things I ask them is "Can you commit to being here every week?"

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