Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Switching It Up and Going Lefty!

I'm not sure what happened but a couple months ago I hurt my right elbow which has prevented me from playing racquetball. Well two weeks ago I decided to try and play left handed and really enjoyed it. I hit the ball like a weakling but it wasn't too bad. Playing with my off hand forced me to run around more and get a better workout.

It made me realize I got so comfortable with my right that sometimes I slacked when it came to moving around the court because I knew my swing could bail me out.

This has caused me to look at my spiritual life and ministry. Have I gotten too comfortable with the motions and my strengths that I'm not doing things that will stretch me and force me to grow? Am I using my strengths to bail myself out, skimp on prep and conditioning? I encourage you to ask yourself these same questions. I know if I'm going to be a great leader I must always be growing and stretching.

Currently I'm being stretched by many things and I always want to keep it that way, which means from time to time I'm going to have to use my left hand to keep myself in check.

I'm also gonna become an ambidextrous racquetball player. :)

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