Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Week In Review

Here are some updates from my week:

1. This last Sunday we introduced Juan and Katelynn Martinez to our students. Juan is our new youth associate. We are very excited about them being on our team and know they are going to help us reach many more students in OKC.

2. Getting Juan situated plus our Cram Night has kept me very busy this week! At our Cram Night Juan spoke at our Jr. High portion and did a great job! Again I'm super pumped about him being on our staff!

3. Speaking of the Cram Night, it was amazing. We had 354 students in attendance and 40 salvation's. This week we ministered to 456 students! Thank You Jesus!!!

4. We did a a talent show and it went very well. I'm very proud of all of our students who participated. Our high school winner was CJ Walker and our jr. high winner was Lewis Perez.

5. Huge thanks to Heather Hurst who planned the talent show, did all the auditions, behind the scenes work and worked with all our students who participated.

6. Another big thanks to all of our leaders and volunteers, this night would not have been a success without you. Thanks so much for your love, commitment and service to our students!

7. Chick Fil A catered our Cram Night and did an outstanding job. They even brought the cow mascot! I highly recommend them!

8. Next Wed we are following up our Cram Night with the message "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Students make sure you don't miss this message and bring your friends!

9. I know most of my weekly updates were about Cram Night but that is what consumed my week and it was awesome! A very successful outreach for us!

10. Next week I'm going to attempt to blog about what I've learned about planning outreaches.

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