Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday Night Recap

Last night at Epic we started a brand new series called Shut Yo Mouth.  Between both campuses we saw 10 students give their lives to Christ, thank you Jesus!  Here is an overview of the message:

Title - Is it ok to cuss?

Ephesians 4:29 says Don't use foul or abusive language.

Cussing or any faul and abusive language is a sin.  If we struggle with controlling our tongue here are 3 keys to changing our language (during this whole time I preached with a cow tongue in my hand):

1.  Ask and allow God to change your heart. - Basically if we have a tongue issue it's because we have a heart issue.  Something needs to be healed and restored.

2.  Don't listen to media that is filled with foul and abusive language.  We speak what we think and what we allow into our ears will affect our thoughts which then affects our speech.

3.  Have a game plan. - There is no quick fix, faith without works is dead, we gotta believe and WORK at it!
- To help our students have a game plan we are going a 30 day clean up your language challenge.  We gave them a wristband with the scripture Ephesians 4:29 on it, every time they cuss or use foul or abusive language they have to switch the wristband to their other wrist.  We are praying they do this enough it will really make them aware of the words they are using and change it to the point they are rarely switching the wristband.

All in all it was a great night and I'm believing God's going to use our students tongues to bring life not death.

Next week's message is titled Don't Be A Snitch!

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