Friday, May 8, 2009

Highlights from a busy week

Monday - Had the day off and enjoyed every minute of it. We worked a lot on Friday and Saturday to get the building ready for service this past Sunday so Pastor Herbert gave us Monday off. I really appreciated it (thanks Pastor Herbert!) and had a great father and son day with Jace. I also had a great meeting with one of my key youth leaders, I love the team I work with!

Tuesday - I got a great workout moving half of the chairs in our new auditorium with some of our staff so the back half of the auditorium can get stained. I also met with a newly added youth leader and finished my message for Wed. night. Recently we have added about 10 new youth leaders who are helping our youth ministry grow and impact student's lives.

Wednesday - It was crazy, we had to set up a bunch of stuff to get ready for our youth experience and we bought a new drum set. I also visited Santa Fe's lunch, helped moved some kids ministry stuff and rushed to get everything ready for our experience. It was pretty stressful but it all worked out, we had 124 students, the room was packed and 6 students made commitments to Christ. God is sooo good, we continue to grow and see life change.

Thursday - I had an amazing day off with Jamie, we got our car back and a little reimbursement check, thank you Jesus. We had lunch at Bravo, their bread is amazing the food was ok and went to see the Wolverine movie. I thought it was good, in honor of my friend Justin Chandler I give it a B. We also watch Survivor and for the record I can't stand coach.

Friday - which is today, I finished a message, had to laugh at a Pharisee, did more set up for this Sunday at People's Church, watched Mandi our kids director almost break her toe and ate some amazing Banana pudding. If you have never had some of Pastor Shelby's wife's banana pudding you are missing out on a little piece of heaven. By the way, our new auditorium is awesome and our Mother's Day experience is gonna be off the hook. Pastor Herbert's wife Tiffany is speaking, if you live in OKC check us out at 9 am, 10:30 am or 12 pm.

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